
Import see

The function named see is all you need. In the Python interpreter, run:

>>> from see import see

You can use a startup file to ensure that see is always imported when you start Python.

Inspect an object


Show the features and attributes of an object.

This function takes a single argument, obj, which can be of any type. A summary of the object is printed immediately in the Python interpreter. For example:

>>> see([])
    []            in            +             +=            *
    *=            <             <=            ==            !=
    >             >=            dir()         hash()
    help()        iter()        len()         repr()
    reversed()    str()         .append()     .clear()
    .copy()       .count()      .extend()     .index()
    .insert()     .pop()        .remove()     .reverse()

If this function is run without arguments, it will instead list the objects that are available in the current scope.

>>> see()
    os        random    see()     sys

The return value is an instance of SeeResult.

Examine the results

class see.output.SeeResult(tokens)

The output of the see() function.

Acts like a tuple of strings, so you can iterate over the output:

>>> first = see()[0]

>>> for string in see([]):
...     print(string)

Filter the results using a pattern.

This accepts a shell-style wildcard pattern (as used by the fnmatch module):

>>> see([]).filter('*op*')
    .copy()    .pop()

It also accepts a regular expression. This may be a compiled regular expression (from the re module) or a string that starts with a / (forward slash) character:

>>> see([]).filter('/[aeiou]{2}/')
    .clear()    .count()


Some special symbols are used in the output from see to show the features of the object.

Object is a function or may be called like a function.
Example: obj()
Object implements __getattr__, so it may allow you to access attributes that are not defined.
Example: obj.anything.
Object supports the [] syntax.
Example: obj[index]
Object can be used in a with statement.
Example: with obj as target
Object supports the in operator.
Example: for item in obj
+ - * / // % **
Object supports these arithmetic operators.
Example: obj + 1
<< >> & ^ |
Object supports these bitwise operators.
Example: obj << 1
+obj -obj
Object supports the unary arithmetic operators + (positive) and - (negative) respectively.
Example: +1, -1
Object supports the unary bitwise operator ~ (invert).
Example: ~1
< <= == != > >=
Object supports these comparison operators.
Example: obj << 1
Object supports the @ operator (matrix multiplication), introduced in Python 3.5.
Example: obj @ matrix